Kokedama Plant Care Guide

Kokedama, a traditional Japanese form of bonsai, is a centuries-old art form of binding plants in balls of moss.

General Care Advice

  • If your plant feels lightweight, it is a sign that it needs to be watered. Follow our watering guidelines (listed below).
  • For specific care information on your plant, please read the individual care guides in the Learn section of our site. 
  • Although not necessary, the best practice for watering your kokedama is to fully submerge the moss ball underneath the water. Air bubbles rising up are a good sign, although may not always be visible.
  • Any browning or spotted leaves may simply be pinched or cut from the stem to make way for new fresh growth.
  • To fertilize your kokedama, simply add liquid fertilizer to the water used to soak the moss ball when watering the plant. Always follow dilution instructions for your fertilizer. We advise feeding no more than once per month during the growing season (usually April-September). 
  • If your kokedama is watered too frequently or is not receiving adequate air flow, mold may form on the surface of the moss - this can be removed by simply wiping it off using a cloth and some diluted dishwashing liquid.
  • If a moss ball string loosens, slacken it a bit more and re-tie to bottom of the plant. 

How To Water A Kokedama

When watering your kokedama follow our easy instructions outlined below. Whilst we usually recommend weekly watering for all our plants, your individual plants water requirements will depend on the type of plant it is and the amount of sunlight it is receiving. 

1. Follow the care guide provided for your plant

2. Submerge the moss ball in a bowl of water for 10-20 minutes

3. Lightly squeeze out any excess water

4. Place plant back on display tray or hanger

Spotted Something Unusual about Your Plant?

Roots Growing?

Sometimes, roots can push and grow out of the moss ball - if this happens you can either leave them alone (it will not affect the plant and can create an interesting look), trim them back up to the base of the moss using sterilized scissors, plant the entire moss ball in a pot or re-wrap the ball using sheet moss.

Noticed Mold?

Although rare, mold growth can occur. Simply wipe away any mould with diluted dishwashing liquid at a ratio of 1 part dishwashing liquid to 10 parts water.

To prevent more mould growth, move your plant to a place that has more ventilation.

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